Welcome to the T & R Bonner Ministries Website. We are so pleased that you joined us today.
Rivers of Joy Church is a Ministry of Founding, Senior Pastors Reverend Timothy P. Bonner and Reverend Rhonda R. Bonner.
Their devotion to teaching the lost to be RESTORED (Ephesians 2:8-19),
and the saved to be REAL keeps their ministry RELEVANT
in the 21st century. Our Pastors hearts are dedicated to leading souls to Christ and bringing believers into a closer walk
with Christ. They preach a powerful unpolluted gospel message. Their goal is to lead people to be real, and point them to their
destiny. Their Vision is Excellence and Integrity. Pastor Tim and Pastor Rhonda have been featured in
"Charisma" magazine's: "The Best Pastors in America", and "Gospel Today" magazine's:
"World's Most Loved Pastors".
If you are a first time visitor, we hope that this website will help you on your journey to a closer walk with Christ.
A great place to start is our Visitors page. Browse around our site and get to know
our Pastor's exciting, anointed ministry. We know that your life will be transformed by the Love of Jesus Christ, and the presence, and power of God that you will experience under this ministry. Our goal of this
website is to reach a lost and dying world with the Love,
sacrifice, and life transforming power of Jesus Christ. We trust that this site will give you tools to enrich, equip, encourage,
and empower you. Jesus is alive, He still heals, He still moves, and lives in the hearts of people. God has a great plan for your life.
We look forward to hearing from you, or meeting you in person. Until then, have a blessed day!